BHVI’s Myopia Awareness Week is May 24-28

In an effort to bring awareness to the myopia epidemic and the growing number of myopic children, BHVI is launching Myopia Awareness Week, which will be held May 24-28.

Throughout the week, BHVI will offer educational resources for eye care professionals, parents, and myopia advocates at a discounted rate. These tools are designed to encourage ECPs to implement myopia management strategies and also inform parents of the lifestyle influences that can impact myopia progression.

“Vision impairment due to uncorrected myopia and myopia-related complication is on the rise and expected to increase further,” said Professor Padmaja Sankaridurg, Head of Myopia Program, BHVI. “It has never been more important to spread the word and make sure parents and children are informed so that they can make healthy vision decisions.”

“There is much happening in research, product development, and professional education to meet the myopia challenge, but it is critical we engage with those at the front-lines — eye care practitioners — to ensure they have the understanding and tools to protect our children’s futures,” said Yvette Waddell, CEO, BHVI. “We are delighted to be at the forefront of myopia awareness in promoting Myopia Awareness Week.”


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