Participants in VP Academy Bengaluru Edition

VP Academy Bengaluru Edition: Spreading Awareness & Spreading Smiles

A successful 5th edition of VP Academy, this time at Bengaluru, marked the end of last week.

Feb 10 2019, saw 5 speakers holding the attention of attendees from Bangalore and beyond with their presentations on subjects related to Practice Management.

The Sessions At VP Academy, Bengaluru Edition

The day began with Ananthalakshmi’s presentation on ‘Digital Strain in Today’s Times’ followed by a very interesting take on ‘Millennials : The New Buyer’ by Ralph Coutinho. He went on with various topics covering the ‘Power Of Recommendation’ and ‘Techniques of Value Added Pricing’.

Post lunch was an interesting session by Alim Bolar on the methods of adopting online as a friend rather than viewing it as an enemy and how the industry could benefit by coming together on the platform

Anita Arvind, then held the attention of the audience with her presentation on how contact lenses can add value to the practice and provided a lot of tips that would help the opticians and optometrists.

Finally Urmila Mitra Chandy had the audience wanting to know more and more about how to choose the right frame for the customer. Her methods of assessing a client based on face and body shape to suggest an eyewear had everyone interested.

VP Academy Highlights

Finally at the end of the day was the presentation and the certification program. The highlight was the feedback session where the satisfied responses of all participants made the event all the more worthwhile.

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The link to Image highlights and feedback will be added soon.

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