fusion 1day vista

Safilens : Launch of Fusion 1Day Vista and Weekly Fusion Segment On The Local UK Market

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Safilens confirms its presence at the BCLA Clinical Conference & Exhibition, designating this prestigious international event – the leading European exhibition for the contact lens industry – for the official debut of its new UK sales team and launch of fusion 1day vista and the weekly Fusion segment on the local market.

In addition to strengthening existing customer care and warehouse services at the Safilens UK subsidiary in Marden (Kent), the new UK sales team, led by Country Manager Ian McDermott and initially composed of four sales staff, will handle countrywide sales of the entire Safilens portfolio of products. Making their UK debut at BCLA are fusion 1day vista – the first daily contact lens for asthenopia – and the weekly fusion 7days.

fusion 1day vista features an innovative D-Stress design. This new geometry offers greater depth of field and is custom-designed to reduce eye strain commonly associated with daily activities that exacerbate proximal vision, like the prolonged use of digital devices. Furthermore, the controlled release of natural substitutes for the tear film from the lens to the eye surface ensures long-lasting comfort in dry environments, like air-conditioned offices, or when reduced frequency or incomplete blinking occurs (symptoms of CVS – Computer Vision Syndrome).

fusion 1day vista expands the daily contact lens family of lenses that incorporate the groundbreaking fusiontechnology™ system – the synergistic action of Hyaluronic Acid and TSP (Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide) that normalizes and maintains stability of the physiological relationship between the lacrimal film and the ocular surface – providing the wearer with natural, lasting eye comfort. And that’s not all. After fusion 1day (spherical), fusion 1day presbyo (for presbyopia) and fusion 1day astigma (for astigmatism), with fusion 1day vista, Safilens is the first company in the world to develop a daily contact lens for asthenopia and to introduce a fourth segment to the daily contact lens market.


The Fusion weekly segment is available for myopia and hyperopia (fusion 7days), presbyopia (fusion 7days presbyo, with afocal lens design) and astigmatism (fusion 7days astigma, with Sleekform design).

fusion 7days, fusion 7days presbyo and fusion 7days astigma combine the innovation and comfort found in the Fusion line with the functional, hygienic and cost benefits of a weekly lens. All of the weekly lenses can be used with Sonic Wave Generator, the tool that uses the emission of sound waves and, paired with the unique fusionsol solution, ensures the removal of deposits and disinfects the lenses for safe and hygienic lenses every day.

Safilens’ participation in BCLA – an exhibition known for an extraordinary scientific program that each year attracts prominent experts and international industry representatives – attests to the company’s ongoing commitment to the “educational” activities tied to its game-changing products.

Live fittings will be held at the Safilens stand throughout the duration of the show, with applications open to all visitors, who will have first-hand experience of the performance and benefits of fusiontechnology™ in its various formats. And there’s more: on Friday, May 31st Giancarlo Montani (Professor of Optometry, University of Salento) will hold a presentation entitled “Effects of different contact lens designs on reading behaviour of pre-presbyopic subjects” that will illustrate the analyses and results of the D-Stress geometry that underlies the fusion 1day vista lens.

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