STEPPER Develops Ultra-Thin Plastic Frame Technology That Doesn’t Require ‘In Line’ Glazing

The company has just launched two frames, SI-20033 and SI-30059, featuring their ultra-thin technology

STEPPER TX5 Ultra Thin Frames

Before they set about creating their thinnest ever TX5 frames that matched the brand’s comfort, fit, quality and durability standards, STEPPER added one more essential requirement; the frames should not require ‘in line’ glazing.

“We didn’t want our frames to be limited in their use or require any specialist (and sometimes costly) glazing techniques,” commented Hans Stepper. “With STEPPER ultra-thin we wanted to deliver the thinnest possible TX5 frames that would be of benefit to the widest possible market.”

STEPPER has in house design, product engineering, manufacturing and product testing facilities that had to work closely on this project. From sourcing the latest TX5 polymer to creating minimalist designs that still delivered the STEPPER comfort bridge to engineering enhanced moulding processes and testing the resulting products to ensure they met STEPPER’s stringent durability and quality standards, this was an exacting task.

“We are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible with frame design and manufacture with new materials,” adds Hans. “The results are very impressive, we’re delighted!”

STEPPER has just launched two frames featuring their ultra-thin technology; The SI-20033 (male) fashions titanium sides that wrap into the  TX5 front with a stylish temple detail and is available in six colours. The SI-30059 (female) is similar in concept with a more feminine, flowing front design and is also available in six colours.

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