Opticians And Social Media

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Opticians And Social Media

On a personal level, everyone is excited about social media and it’s something one can’t live without. But for retail businesses, although it’s a great marketing tool, most retailers seem confused about how to use it to their advantage

Often described as ‘fairly complex’, the era of social media continues to thrive as newer advancements come to play. At this stage, businesses - big or small - are desperate to be on top of every new trend or development that is taking place in the market, making sure they are never too late to make full use of the opportunities awaiting them.

Being an optician, making use of these social media tools will not only be helpful but can also help to be insightful.

To start off for any optician, it would be key to first prioritise what the aim of using social media is to them. While social media may be the obvious choice to pull more traffic to a brand, store or company, it can also be used in a manner that encourages growth and learning. In either case, the creation of social media accounts on various sites would be the first step into the journey of exploring the possibilities of social media.

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Use social media to share advice!

As an optician with years of experience in the industry, sharing advice to the general public through blogs or posts can help earn a reputation as this information comes from a knowledgeable source who has had first hand experience with similar issues. Being in a fairly creative career field, social media can act as the perfect medium to help share useful tips regarding various eyewear frames, lenses, health tips to maintain good vision etc can be amongst some of the topics to share.

-Spread Awareness

With growing concerns regarding an individual’s vision and the diseases that come along with it, opticians can use their platforms to share awareness about ways to help their viewers to take precautionary measures to take care of their eyesight better. 

Stay updated on latest news and current developments

Living in a fast paced world, it can be assumed that a fairly large number of people today would invest in features that make their life simple and more efficient. Social media can help with exactly that! It can be said that one of the most prominent reasons that social media apps have become as popular as they are has been due to how quickly word spreads across the globe.

With news constantly traveling at such a pace, people with busy schedules can still easily stay updated on the most recent happenings within their professional online circles.

In addition to that, applications like Twitter and Facebook can filter the most recent updates, trends and developments relating to only the optical industry based on your following, which is another effective manner of saving time which may otherwise be used to scroll through unrelated topics.

Find profitable prospects for your store

While some businesses may make it their motto to increase engagement with potential customers online, it is by no means the only objective. After all the use of social media is nothing if not versatile.

Through mutual circles and being part of spaces concerning your profession, in this case it being the optical industry, one can come across numerous brands and other players within the industry to work with. Reaching out to other brands you wish to do business with has never been easier with the presence of online websites such as LinkedIn or Instagram.

By tweaking a few of your settings or filters on these accounts, you will be able to find a much more specific group of potential collaborators - be it based on location or the types of eyewear that you share in common.

Websites like LinkedIn also make it easier for potential employees to reach out for any openings, making the hiring process much more efficient.

Promote your products!

Marketing through social media can become one of the most cost effective methods of being able to reach customers. Instagram and Pinterest are few sites that can be used especially to showcase your products that are available.

Instagram can be used to post updates for new stock that might be coming in, introduction of new sales or promotions and can easily be used to interact with customers and their feedback.

Pinterest on the other hand, while being able to show off your products, the site allows customers to be able to reach your main website with ease as links can be easily shared through the same.

Social media may be tricky to navigate through initially but when used strategically it can open new horizons for the optician. Irrespective of what an optician may use social media for - be it to not lose touch with current events and newer developments within the industry or be it to promote a store or a product, the advantages of maintaining an online presence undoubtedly overpowers the contrary.

Like any new skill that is to be learned, with patience and practice, the art of social media can be honed and used adeptly.

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