Cirillo Marcolin confirmed as president of ANFAO and MIDO through 2017
At the General Meeting of the Shareholders in Belluno, Cirillo Marcolin was confirmed as president of ANFAO and MIDO for the next four years. He has held this position for the past two years.
The decision by Marcolin to present a program prepared with newly elected vice president, Giovanni Vitaloni, was well received. Vitaloni joins the team of the 4 deputy presidents who have been reconfirmed: Dessolis, Pettazzoni, Fedon and Sopracolle. The program focuses on three key words: renewal, involvement and transparency. “At a complicated time like the present” – the program reads – “it is crucial to focus on what can be really useful for the Association at this time, to keep pace with a context that is rapidly evolving, to find and formulate the answers to the changed demands for support from our companies, whether they are large or small”.
An entrepreneur with considerable experience of companies and associations, Cirillo Marcolin accepted the challenge to guide the Association and MIDO, the sector’s most important appointment at international level, in this difficult economic situation, and welcomed the contribution and stimulus of new strengths within ANFAO provided by Giovanni Vitaloni, the Turin entrepreneur at the head of Nico Design, a dynamic company that places design at the center of its creativity.
A combination that aims to base ANFAO and MIDO actions on the two key values of Italian eyewear: tradition and innovation. “Renewing primarily means fully enhancing the good that has been done to date with the participation of companies that are the “hard core” at the basis of ANFAO as an association – Marcolin pointed out – “but necessarily also implies bringing in new and dynamic forces, the expression of entrepreneurial areas that to date have taken part in the life of the association simply as observers.”
At an historic moment in which we strongly hope that politics and firms will widen their horizons, ANFAO confirms that it has totally understood and interpreted the spirit of the times: “The involvement of more companies in the Association’s operational program is the key to its success” – Vitaloni stated – “and gives the word “association” its original meaning of an organization the function of which is in the interest of its members, ourselves, and implies increased sharing of responsibility.”
As far as concerns ANFAO’s position with regard to the negative economic situation that has gone on for too long now, Marcolin confirms full support for the proposals put forward in the Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria) project “We can and we must grow”: “Italian eyewear companies are the symbolic examples of successful firms that have always been able to compete at the very highest level on global markets. The economic situation and a domestic market that is practically at a standstill have had an impact also on our sector, but, thanks to our remarkable talent for exporting and despite innumerable problems, we are trying to maintain the positions acquired and, in some cases, tackle new markets. If the institutions acknowledge the sensible proposals from the entrepreneurial world, we can look at the future with greater confidence and, perhaps, evaluate a recovery in investments to create jobs and stimulate consumption and growth that are more necessary than ever.
In the pursuit of the Association’s objectives, the president will work with the Executive Committee which, because of a temporary ruling in the new and recently approved Statute, will remain in office until 2014. In addition to the election of the president and 5 vice presidents, it was also necessary to elect 2 new members of the Executive Committee to replace two members who resigned.
The members of the ANFAO Council are:
- Cirillo Marcolin (Marcolin S.p.A.), President
- Giovanni Vitaloni (Nico S.r.l.),
- Paolo Pettazzoni (Optovista S.p.A.),
- Maurizio Dessolis (De Rigo Vision S.p.A.),
- Callisto Fedon (Fedon Giorgio e figli S.p.A.),
- Renato Sopracolle (Sopracolle S.r.l.), .
The members of the ANFAO Executive Commitee are:
- Elena Berton (Arlecchino S.r.l.)
- Carlo Costan Dorigon (Gatto Astucci S.p.A.)
- Antonio De Silvestro (Di Esse S.r.l.)
- Claudio Francavilla (Luxottica Group S.p.A.)
- Salvatore Galvano (Lastes Group S.r.l.)
- Maurizio Roman (Safilo S.p.A.)
- Luca Talamona (Nomec 92 S.r.l.)
- Andrea Valmassoi (Trevi Coliseum S.p.A.)
- Gianni Vetrini (Barberini S.p.A.)
- Massimiliano Zegna Baruffa (Allison S.p.A.).
Subsequently, the new MIDO Board of Directors was appointed:
- Cirillo Marcolin (Marcolin S.p.A.), President
- Giovanni Vitaloni (Nico s.r.l.), Deputy-President
- Maurizio Dessolis (De Rigo Vision S.p.A.), Director
- Callisto Fedon (Fedon Giorgio e figli S.p.A.), Director
- Giovanni Accongiagioco (Italia Independent Groups S.p.A.), Director
- Elena Orsi Mazzucchelli (Mazzuccelli 1849 S.p.A.), Director
- Cristiano Milone (Mirage S.p.A.), Director).
“We are already working on the organization of the next edition of Mido in 2014, which will take place from March 1 through 3 at Fieramilano Rho-Pero” – Marcolin announced. – “Our objective is to ensure that Mido continues to be the sector’s leading exhibition appointment at international level. For this purpose, deputy president Vitaloni will be given a special mandate by which everyone’s efforts will be translated into precise actions for achieving this result.”
In this regard Vitaloni underscored “We intend to build on the strength of the MIDO brand and increase it through parallel lines of action which, thanks to the development of activities bearing the same good name, will more deeply promote in Italy, abroad and even outside the traditional exhibition context, the image of the eyewear sector that ANFAO represents.”