Events And Exposition In 2022 : The Year Ahead

2021 saw the postponement of many events. Some were strong (and lucky) enough that covid did not deter their plans. So we saw Silmo 2021 in Paris and VP Expo 2021 in Dubai with eager exhibitors and encouraging visitors. How does 2022 look for events?

It’s time to look ahead and with 2022, there’s already been 2 main events pushed further, Opti 2022 and Mido 2022. Currently the industry is focussing on the local demand and supply but growth would require cross-border engagement and events play a big role in making this happen. The industry needs to come together and ensure that these events take place and things turn back to normal.

We invited some Event Organisers to share their vision and plans for 2022. Watch this space for their responses and what you can look forward to at their events in 2022.

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