A one day advanced training workshop on refraction techniques and clinical implications was organized for the optical community in Ernakulam
The event was held on 25th May, 2014 at Ernakulam in Kerala, and was inaugurated by Dr MI Junaid Rehman – District Medical Officer (Retd). The workshop was organized by India Vision Institute (IVI) in collaboration with Indian Optometry Federation (IOF), Indian Optometric Association (IOA) Kerala Chapter, Optometrist Society, Kerala, Kerala Government Optometrists Association (GOUK) and Rayhan College of Optometry.
A significant proportion of the twenty million people requiring eye-wear in Kerala do not have access to quality eye care. With Kerala having only about 515 optical outlets and less than 20 colleges offering optometry education, the association believes there is a considerable gap in the eye care infrastructure in this region.
“IVI aims to bridge the gap in eyecare delivery by upgrading the optometry infrastructure in Kerala by training and upgrading optometry practitioners and institutions in collaboration with optometry associations in Kerala,” said Mr Vinod Daniel – CEO of IVI. “Kerala has tremendous potential for advancing optometry and we look forward to strengthening this collaboration through further training programs in the region. It is interesting that provision of a simple pair of glasses can increase productivity by up to 35% as well as the earning capacity of individuals,” he added.
“I commend IVI for organizing a specialized workshop for optometry practitioners in Kerala and hope that IVI’s continuing collaboration with Optometrist Society, Kerala and other optometry associations in Kerala will strengthen optometry and eye care delivery in Kerala,” said Mr KK John – President of Optometrist Society, Kerala.
Over 250 optometry professionals from across Kerala participated in the first-ever workshop of its kind, conducted by IVI in the region. Facilitated by senior IVI officers Ms Jissa James and Mr Revanth Kumar, the workshop covered a range of aspects including basics of optics & refraction, clinical history taking in comprehensive eye examination, techniques of objective refraction, steps of subjective refraction, binocular balancing and prescribing modalities to various age groups.
The session on ‘Responsibilities of an optometrist in primary eye care’ covered aspects of achieving excellence in clinical practice, including the role of eye care professionals working under peripheral government hospitals, as per NPCB terms and standards.
India Vision Institute, a joint initiative of the LV Prasad Eye Institute, India, and the Brien Holden Vision Institute, Australia, supports research, education and technological development in vision correction, eye disease and blindness prevention. IVI acknowledges the support of Brien Holden Vision Institute Foundation and Optometry Giving Sight in funding the program.