Age-Related Macular Degeneration – Sight Threat to Elderly

As we marked Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month, panellists at the India Vision Institute (IVI) – VisionPlus Magazine hosted ‘Age-Related Macular Degeneration – Sight Threat to Elderly’ panel discussion on February 17 shared their knowledge, ideas, and experiences in an engaging talk on a vision health challenge that adversely impacts the quality of life for the elderly. Moderated by IVI’s CEO, Vinod Daniel, the panel at the discussion comprised Dr Manisha Agarwal, Head, Vitreoretinal Services, Dr Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital, Dr Beula Christy, Associate Director/Head of Services, Institute of Vision Rehabilitation LV Prasad Eye Institute, Ms Sarika Gopalakrishnan, Senior Optometrist/Head, Low Vision Care Clinic, Sankara Nethralaya and Ms Soniya Srivastava, Senior Faculty/ Optometrist Incharge, Vision Enhancement Center & Clinical Training, Dr Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital.


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