Spectacles for Every Indian – Making it a Reality

Uncorrected Refractive Error is a major cause of avoidable vision impairment and remains one of the largest public health challenges in the world. In India, millions of people are estimated to suffer from this. Visual impairment caused by the issue is preventable or treatable, usually through a simple pair of glasses. Giving spectacles to every Indian who needs them will be a big-impact health intervention with the potential to improve the quality of life for millions of Indians.

Panellists at the India Vision Institute (IVI)-VisionPlus Magazine hosted ‘Spectacles for Every Indian – Making it a Reality’ panel discussion on March 22 shared their knowledge and ideas in a thought-provoking and stimulating discussion that covered numerous aspects, including accessibility, affordability, awareness, the need for advocacy to encourage government intervention, and the way forward to ensure that every Indian who needs a pair of spectacles will have it.

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