How has the COVID 19 Affected the Eyewear Industry?

All India Optical Federation writes to Narendra Modi

WHO has declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic which is affecting all Industry big & small alike.  Businesses be it any size or format have been hit very hard. Retail, Import and export trade markets have hit an all-time low.

Optical industry is been affected negatively as well. Demand in the eyewear industry is facing some potential threats: people not leaving the house to get a routine eye exam; patients putting off medical treatments unless absolutely necessary; and a possible aversion to products due to their country of origin. The manufacturing & entire supply chain logistics for the industry is on a standstill.

How has COVID-19 affected the eyewear Industry

The Optical Industry  after COVID-19 pandemic

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In India alone, there are almost 1.2 billion people related to the Eyewear Industry and are been affected by the current situation. In order to assist this huge number of people in the current times & in the future to deal with this Catastrophe-the Industry has reached out to the Indian government.

The All India Optical Federation addressed this matter and wrote an official letter to the Prime Minister-Mr. Narendra Modi, the Finance Minister-Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman, and to the Minister of Commerce & Industry-Mr.Piyush Goyal.

We hope it gets their attention and a quick and prompt reaction.

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