OPTI 2022 : Commercial Driving Force And Platform For The Future

The next OPTI, the trade show for the optics and optometry industry in Europe, will be held from 14th to 16th January 2022. Exhibitors can register for the trade show in Munich right away, doing so entirely free of risk but with the prospect of important and valuable business opportunities.

Bettina Reiter, Exhibition Director of OPTI, the international trade show for optics and design, along with Klaus Plaschka, managing director of GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH, in their capacity as organisers, revealed in an interview why in the future, trade fairs will be more important than ever, what the industry can expect from OPTI 2022 and why the venue in Munich will be a business booster.

“We are planning a live event that will be augmented by digital offerings, both in the run-up to and during and after the trade show that will provide the intensive interaction that the industry urgently needs.” – Bettina Reiter, Exhibition Director OPTI

“Our core business is to bring people together and this will continue to be a key focus for our future activities. However, we no longer singularly see ourselves as a provider of stand space that allows exhibitors to put on a presentation but as the conductor of a multifaceted orchestra.” – Klaus Plaschka, Managing Director GHM.


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