VP India Jul-Aug 2022


All I can think about these days is the VisionPlus EXPO that’s scheduled for October. It’s at an exciting stage and being greeted with a lot of enthusiasm from the industry.

you plan your visit to the event. The feature on Google Glass in Vision And Beyond makes for an interesting read. In Brand Profile, we have Tod’s, a very interesting brand and in Trends, we feature clear and transparent eyewear.

In Retail Tales, Milica Jojic delves into the creation of one’s brand identity while in Lens Talk we explore polarised lenses. There’s Sheri Pais again on to help us navigate the digital world.

The usual stuff like Galleria, Off The Shelf, Blogspot and Celebwatch should help you stay up to date with the happenings in the eyewear world. To get a better grasp of what’s current, I’d recommend you to visit us at VisionPlus Expo in October in Dubai.

See you there!

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