VP SE Asia Oct-Dec 2021


It’s hard to explain in words the emotions running through me with the success of VP Expo. I would love for you to share in my joy and pride in having hosted this event. No doubt, it’s a small beginning but I foresee a change in the dynamics of the global exhibition industry with the launch of VP Expo.

This issue features articles on VP Expo and VP Awards and other than that we have ‘Iconesses of Eyewear’ in Trends with Silhouette featuring in ‘Brand Profile’. In Focus features an interview with the founders of Denon Eyewear, the Tallier family. Joseph Tallier and I share a friendship that’s grown stronger over the years and we wish his new project the very best.

Celeb Watch, Off The Shelf, Blogspot and Galleria will ensure you stay updated about the latest news and launches. And yes, it’s almost the end of 2021 and here’s wishing every one a great end to a very eventful year.

Read On. Enjoy!

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