IVI-NVG Organise Capacity Building Workshop For National Ophthalmic Association

The workshop was organised at Sankara Eye Hospital in Ludhiana for a group of 35 vision care professionals of NOA

Participants at the IVI-NVG Capacity Building Workshop, Ludhiana
Participants at the IVI-NVG Capacity Building Workshop, Ludhiana

India Vision Institute (IVI) organised a comprehensive hands-on capacity building workshop for a group of 35 vision care professionals of the National Ophthalmic Association (NOA) at Sankara Eye Hospital, Ludhiana, from December 1-4, 2014.

The workshop comprised theory and practical sessions on refraction, dispensing and optometric diagnostic instruments.

Abhishek Kalbaraga and M Chandra Shekher, IVI, facilitated the workshop, covering a range of topics including essentials of refraction, ophthalmic dispensing, soft skills and entrepreneurship development and hands on practical sessions.

This is the 5th workshop organised by IVI following an agreement between IVI and New Vision Generation India Pvt Ltd (NVG) to hold capacity building workshops for ophthalmic officers. The earlier four workshops were held at Rohtak-Haryana in December 2013, Trichy-Tamil Nadu in February 2014, Aurangabad-Maharashtra in August 2014 and Patna-Bihar in October 2014.

IVI acknowledged the support of New Vision Generation India Pvt Ltd.

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