Nova Iris – A Digital Pal That Got ‘SMARTER’

The globally acclaimed & appreciated brand NOVA from the house of Vision Rx Lab introduces NOVA IRIS, a smart digital PAL for ultra-clear vision that offers completely customized & personalized PAL designs that best suits the visual requirement of the wearer based on their position of wear of the spectacles, their lifestyle requirements & visual behavior along with a volley of Surface Optics Optimizing technologies through Digital Freeform manufacturing process – termed as Digi-Contour Technology.

Some of the technologies & optimization parameters that truly make it stand out of the crowd are explained herein.


Intelligent Lens view design:

In line with the concept of Best Form Lenses, Ostwalt curve of the Tscherning ellipse is generally followed to select the ideal base curve for the distance prescription to produce lenses with optimal optical performance.

But in context of digitally surfaced progressive lenses, a problem persists when there is a significant difference in the distance power & the near power.


For Example, let us consider the following prescription:
Distance Rx: +2.00 Ds Near Add: +2.00Ds.  

According to the Ostwalt curve, the ideal base curve for the distance power in the prescription is: +8.00 D

But for near power the requisite base curve is:+10.00 D

In standard 100% back surface designed Digital Freeform PALs, since a single vision semi-finished lens is used where the front surface has a single curve that remains unaltered, it is usually not possible to meet the appropriate base curve requirements of all the power profiles from distance to near.

Nova Iris, employs Dual Surface Optimization through INTELLIGENT LENS VIEW DESIGN, wherein the front curve changes progressively from flatter to steeper to provide the closest possible base curves required for the entire power progression from distance to near, providing  maximal visual field, optimal magnification & almost no appreciable distortions through the visual areas in maximal usage. The rear surface is processed with optimized design parameters with well calculated Aberration filters.

This reduces the deviation of the effective prescription in para-centric regions which commonly causes visual blur & distortions due to improper retinal focus in flatter lenses with single front curve.

Aberration Filter System 2.0:

A lot of calculations are associated to deliver a clear & almost distortion free view through the peripheral regions of a PAL.

Aberration Filter System 2.0 not only takes into account the induced spherical & astigmatic aberrations, but also the induced higher order aberrations, distortions etc. & corrects them to a great extent by incorporating intricate corrective calculations in the lens design sculpted on the rear surface.

Some considerations out of many, include deeper understanding of the induced sagittal & tangential anomalies which are measured at numerous points on the lens & analyzed for correction as per available scope.


Spherical aberration is addressed through asphericity. Sway & distortion is minimized through horizontal atoricity.

Retina Forward Design:

For improving the visual clarity of the ever-dynamic eyes, Retina Forward Design incorporates a design specific optimization in which a simulation of  all different gaze directions is repeated thousands of times until the back surface yields the desired power in each direction of sight so as to focus each emergent pencil of light on the retina.


Very Small Incision (VSI) Technology with 3D diamond cutting tool 0.90 is employed for maximal accuracy.

State-of-the-art Customization:

The PAL design for Nova Iris is planned with a complete analysis of the ‘visual lifestyle’ of the wearer, understanding the weightage & visual priority for tasks within the daily routine.

Position of wear measurements, Near Working Distance, an insight to previous PAL Design (if any) & prescription data are some of the parameters that are used to create the best possible design.

Binocular Balancing of Visual Fields, Individual Monocular Near Insets, Variable Fitting Heights are some additional features which makes Nova Iris a definite choice for consumers opting for prestigious lenses with perfection & personalization – where VISION meets FASHION.



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