Yes, they do! You are reading it absolutely right. This year’s jury meet was not only exciting for the participants but it turned out to be super fun for the Jury Members as well, when we decided to shoot with them with the entry products! Opticians turned models. You like the sound of that too, don’t you?
Lights! Camera! Action!
The jury members posed effortlessly to our surprise and we are telling you, it was a candid fashion shoot that turned out to be the best part of the day! How the members of the jury participated in our little fun activity, was just surprisingly overwhelming!
Aren’t opticians the only guys to us who sell us the eyewear? Well, think again. Today, the opticians are much more than those who just help you see and look better. They are your friends. They are looking out for the best for you, products and services. And as far as we are concerned, we believe they make superb models too.
We shot with these opticians from the prominent optician organisation from the Middle East and even we were surprised with the results! There was zeal, enthusiasm and energy that the jury members showed. The bright smiles and the terrific poses! To be fair, the jury members not only judged the products, they tried them on, they posed in them and had a fun time for sure.
Have a look at the “Real People” from every day life, looking just so wonderful!
A big round of applause for our sporting ‘opticians-turned-models’:
Mr Mushtaq Ahmed and Mr Mathews Jacob, Yateem Optician; Mr Mosa’d Dawo’d, Magrabi Optical; Mr Abdel Halim Yousef, Mugla Optical; Mr Joseph Ibrahim and Mr Ethan Shafiei, Qatar Optics Co; Mr Rayan Rouhani, Saudi Optic House.

Are you smiling too, looking at the dashing men from our jury? We are too!
Nominations are going to be out on September, 1st, 2017! Stay tuned! Stay excited!