All About Vision Is Now Also All About Vision India

All About Vision, the leading eye health site in the United States, was founded 20 years ago to educate people about vision conditions — cataracts, glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy, for example — and how to take care of their eyes.

Over the years, All About Vision has surged in traffic with 73 million viewers in 2019, and recently its focus has broadened beyond eye health to include vision correction methods — eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses and vision surgery.

In 2019, All About Vision launched its first global site in India. With content in English and Hindi, All About Vision’s India site recorded 24% traffic growth and 4.6 million sessions. Hindi traffic growth is especially strong.

India was chosen as All About Vision’s first international market to meet demand — outside the U.S., India leads in visits to the All About Vision U.S. site.

In 2020, spotlighting 20/20 vision and the importance of eye exams, eye care practitioners across India have a partner in eye health education in All About Vision India.

All About Vision’s Education Mission

Education about vision
issues has been central to All About Vision’s mission from its start. That educational focus continues in India and is why Dr. Umang Mathur, executive director of Dr. Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital in New Delhi, chose to join All About Vision India’s editorial advisory board.

“All About Vision has embarked on providing the most credible information regarding eye care to the masses, helping millions to be more aware of taking care of their eyes,” Mathur says. “Awareness will empower people with better knowledge to make better choices regarding preservation of their vision.”

Eye Health Awareness Needed In India

Across India, eye health care and awareness is emerging, and eye care practices are offering modern methodologies and ideas for vision correction and treatment of eye diseases. The need for eye care is vast, though, as optometrists are scarce and ophthalmologists are rare, especially outside India’s biggest cities.

“India is so vast and eye health knowledge and awareness are very poor,” says Professor Monica Chaudhry, director of Ansal University School of Health Sciences, and a member of All About Vision India’s editorial advisory board.

All About Vision India Can Be A Resource For ECPs And the Public, She Says.

“Eye care awareness is minimal amongst the public in India,” Chaudhry says. “Most of the time, the resources for information are eye care professionals, and it’s not easy for any ECP to devote time in practice to answer questions and relieve anxiety.

“Second most important is that all ECPs are not well informed about the latest trends in eye care and may not be in a position to impart the updated information,” Chaudhry adds. “All About Vision can indeed help them learn too.”

How big is the need for eye care across India?

4.8 million people in India are estimated to be suffering from blindness, down from 12 million in 2007, according to the National Blindness and Visually Impaired Survey (2019). Cataract remains the top cause of blindness in India.

22% of Indians can’t afford cataract surgery, according to a 2019 Health Ministry report, and 16% say they are afraid of the procedure.

In urban areas, access to cataract surgery, eye care and even eyeglasses, sunglasses and contact lenses are much more prevalent.

Also in India’s largest cities, fashionistas and social influencers have helped raise awareness of trendy eyewear looks, but consumers across India need a trusted source for information about eye conditions and eye care.

For eye care practitioners, All About Vision India can become a knowledge hub to keep you and your customers well informed about how to get the best lenses and eye care.

All About Vision India is growing

All About Vision is indeed All About India now. More articles in Hindi are in the works. Additional articles in English will soon be added to the All About Vision English site. Additional eye care practitioners across India are being added to the locator

You can help spread the word about All About Vision India. And All About Vision India can help you too. The India site’s eye care practitioner locator sends customers to you for eye exams and treatment of eye diseases.

How can All About Vision India help eye care professionals to educate people in India about
eye health?

“All About Vision is a one-stop solution for vision and eye care,” says Dr. Sivaraman Viswanathan, head of the optometry department of Sankara Nethralay since 2008 and a member of All About Vision India’s editorial board. “Also, a layperson is made to understand the information clearly, as complex technical information has been
made easy.”

When your customers — and even you — have questions about vision conditions, eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, vision surgery and more, turn to All About Vision India for answers.

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