VP Arabia Jan-Mar 2022


Trade events are a standard feature for any industry segment and the eyewear industry is no different. Whether it’s networking, sharing information or announcing newer launches, trade events have played an important role and will continue to do so.

In this issue, we talk to the organisers of international trade events and get an idea of what they have in store for the industry in 2022. It’s important that the industy supports them to ensure there is a global perspective to the business conducted for a healthy growth of the industry.

In Designer Profile, we feature Emilio Pucci while in Trends, Sophie Tallier forecasts the eyewear styles for 2022. In OphthaTalk, the Johnson & Johnson team shares a feature about the assessment of the tear film in the first of a 3 part article.

Regular features including Galleria, Celebwatch, Blogspot and Off The Shelf will keep you updated about the latest.

Read on. Enjoy!

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